
Navigating Data Translation in Logistics with Tranztec Element

In the ever-evolving world of logistics, data translation can be a nightmare. Yet, Tranztec Element presents a powerful, user-friendly solution to streamline this process.

When was the last time you tried to communicate with someone who didn’t speak your language? Imagine how difficult trucking and logistics would be if you had to communicate with customers in multiple languages.

Your business would be like a scene from the 1984 movie The Last Starfighter. When the main character arrives at Starfighter headquarters, he cannot understand or communicate with anyone. Then, he receives a translator device that instantaneously translates everything into English.

Trucking and logistics companies need reliable, accurate, and seamless data translation to succeed with customers. Your IT systems must be multilingual, as it were, to receive, understand, and communicate data in various formats.

Data mapping and translation software make this possible.

The technology instantaneously converts data from a transportation management system (TMS) into a standard format that other systems can read. Electronic data interchange (EDI) has long been this standard, but other protocols with expanded capabilities have entered the scene.

Fortunately, a universal translator enables companies of any size to seamlessly connect their IT systems with trading partners and internal and external systems to exchange data in any format. This article explains how the latest innovation from Tranztec does precisely that.

Getting in Sync

One of your shipper customers may have a transportation management system (TMS) that can only receive and transmit data in character-delimited flat files. Meanwhile, your TMS may use a newer data format like SQL, XML, JavaScript, or APIs.

Traditionally, companies bridged this communications divide with electronic data interchange (EDI) and its “X12” standards for freight transactions. EDI lives on, but newer protocols and file formats have improved capabilities for machine-to-machine communications.

Tranztec delivers connectivity solutions to transportation companies. Our latest innovation, Tranztec Element, makes it easier and faster to sync data with customers and integrate systems over the road and inside the office.

The new cloud-based tool allows companies to transform data from any system to any format seamlessly. Below are four ways trucking and logistics companies save time and money with this modern tool.


1. Transitioning from Windows to Web

Whether you use EDI or another format to meet customer requirements, the setup process can be time-consuming and expensive, particularly for small and mid-size companies lacking in-house IT resources.

The process requires software to map data from your system to match a customer’s EDI or other requested formats. Tranztec Element offers several advantages by shifting the data mapping process from a Windows-based application to an intuitive and more versatile cloud-based interface. Users can access Conform from any device with an Internet connection and browser. Besides easier access, multiple users can work on a project simultaneously.

Tranztec’s previous Windows-based tool had to be licensed and installed on a single device. When users created EDI maps for a customer, the files were stored locally on a PC. This limits user access when they need to make updates and changes. In contrast, the cloud-based Conform product includes storage for data maps for more efficient collaboration and version control.

2. DIY Setups and Integrations

Tranztec has connectivity solutions for transportation companies of all sizes and with various levels of IT resources. If a company does not have a TMS, Tranztec offers a fully hosted connectivity solution to exchange data with customers through a web interface.

Tranztec Element is ideally suited for companies with a TMS that do their own EDI setup and other exchanges using in-house resources. The cloud-based version eliminates setup fees and allows multiple users to work on different maps simultaneously to balance workload and optimize efficiency.

Rather than pay for data maps and setup fees each time you establish a connection with a new trading partner, Tranztec Element makes it easier and more affordable to do yourself. The new tool saves substantial time and cost when setting up data exchanges and integrating data between internal systems. 

Users can set up connections more quickly and affordably with the tool’s drag-and-drop features. Users simply move objects around to map different data types and file formats.

3. New Connection Possibilities

Tranztec Element opens many possibilities to meet customer requirements and integrate data between any two systems. The product enables a more streamlined approach to data mapping and translation for any data format, such as APIs and SQL connections for database queries.

The tool's capability to receive payloads and create desired file outputs enhances compatibility with third-party software applications. This versatility allows for integration with various systems, making it an asset for carriers with diverse requirements.

4. Seamless Integration with Tranztec Extend

Tranztec Element compliments other connectivity tools from Tranztec to enhance the overall functionality of Tranztec's offerings. For example, many trucking and logistics companies use Tranztec’s customizable web portal, Extend, to create tailored visibility and workflow solutions for specific user roles and preferences. The dynamic portal integrates seamlessly with TMS and supporting applications to provide a comprehensive solution for real-time data exchanges.

With Tranztec Element, users can create new system integrations and apply data maps to Extend and execute workflows for trading partners and custom solutions. This enables your TMS and supporting IT systems to work precisely how you want them to.

Ready to Roll

Tranztec Element is a game-changer for trucking and logistics by addressing the challenges of data translation. Companies transitioning to the more versatile cloud-based platform benefit immediately from time and cost savings when setting up new connections and embracing new possibilities for real-time system integrations.

The seamless integration with Tranztec Extend further enhances the platform's capabilities, providing a holistic way for customizable visibility and workflow solutions in the ever-evolving logistics landscape.

Contact us today to schedule your Tranztec Element demo tailored to your needs.