Trantzec Blog

Integrated Solutions: Driving Efficiency in Transportation Technology

Written by Tranztec | Oct 5, 2023 12:00:00 PM

As a technology provider, closing deals in the fast-paced transportation industry is more difficult — perhaps impossible — if your products do not integrate immediately with the systems of customers and prospects. Even the most innovative product will have limited market appeal if offered as a stand-alone solution.

Fortunately, technology providers can use a cloud-based integration platform to connect their products to various mobile and back-office systems. Besides having pre-built connectors, the platform has access to customizable, white-label software components to fill product gaps and expand your system capabilities without the cost, risk, and uncertain timetables of new software development.

 Offering a fully integrated solution out of the gate addresses a top requirement for transportation companies. Customers do not want to invest in a solution that adds more tech debt to their organization, such as difficult and expensive integrations they must set up and maintain. Likewise, they don’t want to go through another integration project if they decide to switch providers for their ELD telematics or transportation management system (TMS), among other possibilities.

Unlocking Possibilities

 A cloud-based integration and white-label software development platform helps tech providers better support evolving customer needs. Suppose a TMS provider wants to offer customers a new feature that optimizes load planning decisions. The provider could use the platform’s pre-built connectors with third-party applications and add components from the development kit to add new capabilities and enhance the user experience.

A user dashboard could be built with connectors and components to display key planning metrics like available driver hours, customer orders, and asset location data. The provider could also layer in a live tracking component that improves visibility for operations and shipment tracking.

Similarly, if a transportation company is experiencing communication gaps and delays that create operational errors, a tech provider could add a mobile driver app from the platform for dispatch-driver workflow and real-time communications. The list could go on and on. Perhaps most importantly, the tech vendor can offer customers a value-added tech strategy that eliminates tech debt and gives them total control and flexibility over future IT decisions.

Those who leverage a middleware integration and development platform can add new product capabilities faster and more economically, freeing time and resources to focus on delivering innovative, customized solutions to increase their competitive edge in a rapidly evolving market.

Industry tech providers using this value-added tech strategy to ensure they are meeting evolving customer needs with ready-to-go integrations and white-label software components include:

  • Geotab: The commercial telematics provider connects vehicles to the Internet and provides web-based analytics that helps organizations manage their fleets. The company’s open telematics solution integrates with an ecosystem of partner solutions that complement fleet management systems and custom solutions. Geotab uses the cloud-based integration platform to get customers up and running quickly with ELD telematics and other solutions that fit their needs.
  • ISAAC Instruments: The Montreal-based company offers an ELD and a rugged in-cab mobile tablet to customers, along with truck tracking, integrated driver communications and workflows, real-time fuel coaching, safety, and compliance reporting. Through the integration platform, the company offers plug-and-play functionality with all major TMS providers to give customers a fast and seamless onboarding experience.
  • Samsara: Samsara delivers a variety of applications to transportation companies that improve driver experiences, operational processes, and safety. By leveraging the middleware integration platform, the company’s ELD and truck-trailer telematics data seamlessly connects with various TMS platforms to improve load planning, shipment tracking, and decision-making for asset utilization, fuel management, compliance, and more. 

Embracing White-label Opportunities 

Without fail, motor carriers and freight brokers evaluating technology options will ask providers if they already integrate with existing platforms. If a tech provider can't accommodate this immediate need, they look elsewhere to find someone who answers, “Yes, we do.”

Moving data between systems faster with higher quality and more consistency is now possible with a cloud-based integration platform. When coupled with a white-label software development kit, tech providers can accommodate customer needs quickly and affordably. For instance, they can:

  • Add pre-built features, functions, and capabilities to elevate the customer experience
  • Eliminate data silos
  • Automate repetitive tasks
  • Access new data sources
  • Optimize end-to-end workflows

Ready to Move

Tranztec Construct is an integration and white-label logistics management platform that delivers all of these benefits immediately. The robust, ready-to-go solution unlocks data trapped between systems with API and EDI connections. The pre-built components of the platform include a drag-and-drop user dashboard interface, a mobile driver app, workflow dashboards, and an embedded developer app, Blockly from Google, to apply “if-then” logic to any process.

Tech providers looking to set themselves up for near- and long-term success with customers and competitors can do so with the power and adaptability of the Tranztec Construct platform.


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